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Do you want professional looking graphics for your web site, but dsont know how to make them. Here are a bunch of sites that offer free graphics for your website.
Creative Design Specialists Has achives of Backgrounds, Animations, Artworks, and photos.
2Cool Animations Very good collection of animated GIF's.
3D Webscapes Backgrounds, Wallpaper, Textures, Animations, Java Applets.
A Touch of Shel Borders and backgrounds. Tips and advice, too.
A++ Art Clip art, icons, backgrounds, buttons, bars, animated gif's.
A+B+C Graphics Custom graphic design / web page graphics - Free gifs,  backgrounds, icons, buttons, bullet points, arrows, & more!
A-1 Icon Archive Icons, balls, backgrounds, buttons, bar&lines, fonts, animated  gif's, clip art, and much more!
Andy's Art Attack "This site contains 100's of original animations, buttons, bullet points  & backgrounds that you are free to use on your website. It also  contains 100's of pages of Adobe Photoshop, HTML, Java & graphics tips."
Animation Factory Oodles of animated graphics; big variety. If you want an animated doodad for your web site, start your search here.
Animation Library Over two thousand free animations neatly organized in many  different categories
Arcadia Animations A Collection of some of the best animated GIF's on the net,  with fast loading thumbnails... All FREE!
Axem Textures Backgrounds and textures.
Background and Texture Archive A very nice selection of unique backgrounds, along with a page of tips & tricks.
Backgrounds by Carel Over 600 backgrounds.
Barry's Clip Art Server Lots of clip art, backgrounds'n'other graphics, and a message forum
Bull's Backgrounds, Bars & Buttons Just what it says--backgrounds, bars, and buttons.
Busybee Web Graphics Traditional Bullets, Backgrounds and Bars.
ByDezign Animated GIF's, Midi files, theme sets, and more. 
Highly recommended!
Cat's Homemade Backgrounds Some unique backgrounds
Cherish's Best of the Web Image Archive Backgrounds, balls and buttons, bars, and icons.
Clip Art Castle Over 30 megs of graphics with fantasy, science fiction, and  related themes.Very good work; highly recommended.
CoolGraphics Arrows, backgrounds, bullets, buttons, and more Create your own logo online. Enter the text you want. Choose the style, font, colors, size, etc. Hit "run" and there it is!
Custom Effects Design and Resource Desktop Themes, Fonts, and JavaScripts
Custom Textures Web page backgrounds
Debbie's Garden of Graphics A "massive garden of graphics, dividers, arrows, bullets etc. to help you with your home page."
Designed to a T Backgrounds, clip art, dividers, bullets, and Paint Shop Pro tutorials.
Ender Design: Realm Graphics Backgrounds, bullets, buttons, icons, lines, and design sets.
EveryThing Icon Over 45,000 Icons, 600 Backgrounds, Hundreds of Animated Giff's, Clip Art, Lines, Arrows and More
Free Graphics By Syruss Arrows, backgrounds, balls, banners, bars, bullets, buttons, and  other cool stuff.
Home of the Horizontal Rule! A gallery of cool, inventive page dividers.
Iain's Textures Some very nice background textures.
Idee Fixe - Gina's Obsession Backgrounds, buttons, globes, rules, and other goodies
Jelane's Free Web Graphics -
Mediabuilder Free Online Image Tools
Pambytes Banners, borders, buttons, clip art, backgrounds, image sets, and  more. Some very good work here
PatternLand Lots and lots of background patterns
Silk Purse Graphics Web page backgrounds
SS Web Graphics Backgrounds, buttons, bullets, banners, bars and lines, image maps, misc. graphics, and web page sets.
Temple of Mighty Grapholina Backgrounds, bullets, bars, fonts, and much more.
Texture Land Almost 200 backgrounds for web pages.
The Design Shoppe Arrows, lines, bullets, backgrounds, textures, and much more
The Pixel Foundry Graphics, design tips, discussion forum, and more. Highly  recommended!
WebGround Web backgrounds. Very well-designed site.
Webular Wasteland "Web Art: Backgrounds,Seperator Bars,Bullets,Icons,Animated  GIFs,etc."
 The Grafx Factory Free backgrounds and graphics sets.