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Here are the benchmarks of the most popular compression utilitties (for data), listed from most popular on the right, to least popluar on the left. Different compression programs proform differently with their algorithms depending on the type of files that you are compressing. For my benchmark I have included 3 diferent file types.

ZIP   The most popular and common format in use today. There are several different programs on most if not all platforms (Operating Systems) that will create ZIPs.
RAR   This format came out a little over a year ago and has climbed its way up the line of poularity very quickly.
ARJ   Another common format, but not as common now because most of the ARJ programs are made for DOS.
LHA   This use to be a common format, but like most of these I drifted away.

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If you find a new compression utillity that I haven't posted yet please send it to me so that I can benchmark and add it to this page.
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